
relationships are hard, time consuming, and above all they are Work!! you might not think so but they take work. you have to find a way to compromise with them, support them and most of all love them. If you can't do that then there is no point in trying to be with them. someone can make you sooo mad that you never want to see them again. but you love them so you have to forgive them. or do you? is there ever a point where enough is enough? if two people love each other but they just can't seem to make it work, when do they get to the point where enough is enough? What do you think? I haven't quite decided but i think that that point never comes. if you really truly love someone and they truly and really love you that point will never come. Even if you wanted too you couldn't leave them. We don't get to choose who we love. we can't help who we love. and maybe thats a good thing. Love does some miraculous things.
At 7:08 PM,
Kyle said…
hmmm relationships may be hard but u gotta stick to it. its ok teri, if todd pisses u off, come sleep with me. lol
At 7:53 PM,
.:.Katie.:. said…
Aw teri, every realationship has its ups and downs but try to keep it positive. Arguing doesnt solve anything but the good thing about is that you get to have SOME ANGRY SEX!! Man that feels good. LOL
Love ya darlin!
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