living out of town sucks!!!!

I HATE living out of town! it bites! I can't just walk over to a friends or walk out and rent a movie and if i am here alone...i stay here. i have no way to leave unless someone is home or someone comes to pick me up! it really bites! it is an inconvience doing anything because i have to get a ride and all that. it will be so much better as soon as i can drive. once i can drive at least i will have a little freedom! then i can at least go and do something! oh well tho there is not much i can do about it right now so , i might as well not even worry about it. i guess lol. there lol i got my rant out! lol
At 11:24 AM,
LemonadeK said…
I know exactly how you feel! I live 50 minutes out of town. That statement should talk for itself. I don't have my own car yet and my parents won't let me drive anywhere alone. But i guess no matter how close or far you live to town, if you have no ride, it doesn't matter 'cause you're stuck anyway. :(
At 7:07 PM,
.:.Katie.:. said…
Haha! I CAN walk to town if I want!!!! :P
LoL jk. That must suck.
At 9:01 PM,
Tonya said…
aw :( don't worry, when you get your license you'll be able to drive all over the place!
At 10:15 PM,
Ryan said…
poor teri :p , one helpful info is practing driving , drive to town :P and when u take ur exam ull pass :P the more practoce i had the more easier it was for me
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